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Top Tips For Beginners


Updated: Jul 4, 2023

We have all been there.... starting in lashes, unsure if we are enjoying it, patience is being tested, like being in a complicated relationship?

I would always go through stages of loving lashes, to hating lashes, until I realised where I was going wrong. I forgot, I'm just here to apply lashes the best I can! How they last is also down to the client. ISOLATION IS KEY! Always remember you're going to ruin the natural lashes if you don't isolate.

Do you make a fan or collect your lash extension, dip in the glue, find natural lash, then apply? STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Get in the routine of making a fan/collecting your extension, find the natural lash, dip in glue, then apply the extension. This way you shouldn't have any extensions come out, why brushing them throughout the application. This is due to the glue not having time to dry up by being prepared and applying the extension instantly. If you are still having a lot of extensions, come out after application then you’re probably not applying enough glue.

ANOTHER TOP TIP!! Always dip extension into glue, never stroke it through the glue.

Stroking causes the excess to be taken away from the base of your extension, at the back where you will be wanting to apply to the natural lash. This leaves hardly any glue on the extension to hold properly onto the natural lash. When dipping if you have excess glue ball you want to remove, stroke this onto the natural lash instead of onto the under-eye pad or jade stone.


I've personally always found jade stones work best for me and helps prevent from the glue going gloppy.

Follow our blogs for more tips on what made us fall in love with lashes.

Lash Junkie x

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